The Habit Lab
In 20 minutes a day, you can transform your life
  ...  let me show you how!
The Habit Lab guides you to create a solid mindfulness + spiritual practice to transform from the inside out, while helping you to rewire your brain and create lasting change on a subconscious level!
What You'll Learn
How to create a daily morning mindfulness and self-reflection routine to help you cultivate the silent witness and do the inner work while re-wiring your brain from a victim/fixed or pessimistic mindset to an abundant/growth and optimistic mindset for long-lasting SUCCESS and ABUNDANCE. 
Includes guided meditations & visualizations (perfect if you currently get frustrated with meditation!). Plus other goodies such as an ancient Fire Releasing Sacred Ceremony to work with spiritual laws in a practical way through Sacred Ritual. 
Guides you to develop your intuition and use proven 5D manifesting techniques with consistency and self-discipline so you can take courageous Sacred Action to discover and/or manifest your life purpose or dream business/lifestyle. 
Are You Ready to Up-Level Your Life?
Meet Sarah Rose
Sarah is an energy alchemist, channel, and intuitive transformation coach on a mission to help awakening women (YOU) live a more conscious lifestyle to connect with your Soul's guidance. She helps women drop the struggle and come into Soul alignment so you can manifest a lifestyle you truly love with grace, ease, and flow! 
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